Raising the Curtains: Finale

Raising the Curtains: Finale

Throughout the last few months, my blog has taught me a lot about myself, life, and others. I am thankful that I did this blog. 

The biggest thing that this blog taught me is that I can be consistent. Every week, I have posted consistently. This taught me that I can be consistent as I have struggled with this a lot throughout my life. This blog has helped me feel accomplished and made me look forward to the weeks. 

Being knowledgeable about others is something else that my blog has taught me. What I mean by this is that so many others struggle with things that we all don't know. The number of responses and messages I have got really opened my eyes. It's so important to remember that the person you pass on the street, that teacher, or a friend is all going through things that you may have no idea about. 

Something else that I have learned is that it's important to speak about sensitive subjects. When deciding on a topic for my blog I struggled with this. I thought I had nothing to talk about. But then it hit me, I have something free and something others struggle with that is easy for me to talk about. Although my blog is a lot different from my classmates I take pride in my posts and having the courage to talk about this subject. For a long time, I felt 'weird' for having mental illness but then I realized so many others struggle with the same thing that I do. This blog allowed me to speak for myself and others that may not be able to speak for themselves. I was so worried about people that would think my blog was stupid or that people would negatively discuss my posts. However, I am not speaking for just myself I am speaking for others. 

I hope that this blog is a safe place for others and can help people relate. Although this is the finale, for now, I hope to continue writing posts here and there. 


            Someone else that's still trying to get through it
