The Self Image We Create


The Self Image We Create

When you look in the mirror what do you see? Do you like what you see? Do you not like what you see? Do you like who you are behind the skin?  I am going to talk about the self-image we create and how it's affected by our own bad thoughts. We constantly create unrealistic goals for ourselves, we set standards that are so out of reach and have these images in our heads of what we should look like or be like. If we don't set these goals, get in touch with the standards, or don't look like the image we want to, we get discouraged and hate what we see. Not saying that these goals that we have are untouchable, but you need to start small. We ask, "why can't I look like that?" or "why can't I be like her/him?". It is sad. We all do it at some point. A poor self-image can cause major problems such as depression, anxiety, and low confidence. We all have things we wish we could change, or get rid of about ourselves. However, I am going to talk about some things you can do if you have a poor self-image and be grateful for what you do have.

1. Congratulate Yourself

I think this is so important no matter the topic. We are so hard on ourselves. Cut yourself some slack. You got out of bed, you went to work, you showered. Congrats to you! Don't skip out on positive feedback to yourself just because the goals aren't as big as others. We are all trying. Just because I am at a certain place in my life and you are at a different place, doesn't make one better than the other. I think consistently doing this creates a good habit that can lead to you feeling good about yourself.

2. Talk about times you have overcome challenges

We all need reminders of how strong we are and how awesome we are. We all get caught up in life and get knocked down by the challenges of life we face and sometimes we can find ourselves feeling weak and not strong at all. Take out a piece of paper or pull up your notes on your phone and list all the times you have faced something that you felt you could never get through and talk about how you overcame them. This reminds you of who you are and how strong you are! No one else is going to remind you, so become your own constant reminder.

3. Appreciate Life

You may be questioning how this ties into my topic, but the more you appreciate life and think about all the good things that have happened to you the easier it is to be positive towards yourself. Make a list of all the good things that have happened to you and what you did to get to those things. 

4. Behind The Skin

We all see pictures and videos of amazing-looking people and compare ourselves to others. It's hard not to do it when the standard that creators and famous set for viewers is so high. But, we are all so much more than what is on the outside. How cliché, I know. But we really are. Our looks will never get us anywhere, but what will is who you are and how you are as a person. Striving for greatness as a person outshines all looks. Appreciate the good qualities and talents you have. Focus on those more and less on what is visible on the outside. 

Disclaimer: Everyone is different and I do not expect everyone to relate. These are just my personal experiences and some things that help me. I have linked a national hotline below that is free and confidential for individuals or families that are struggling with mental disorders.


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